page where verification will process

Ticket for: User Verification
page where verification will process 1
Feb 05, 2023 08:54 PM 2 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hello, Good day!

I have a concern regarding this matter, verification page process does not appear every time I register a new user so I cant see the resend link button and the message that I need to verify first the email. How do I fix it?

Thank you in advance!

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page where verification will process 2
Azizul Raju
Feb 07, 2023

I can see you're using a custom form, and it's up to the form how to display success/error messages. Could you please tell me what plugin/theme is responsible for generating the form? If it's a popular one, we might add integration with our plugin.

However, We have a shortcode available called [uv_resend_verification_form] that you can use on a page for resend verification. And you can link the page wherever you think it fits, like on this error message -

Kindly check the link below for our available shortcodes and hooks.

page where verification will process 3
- Feb 07, 2023 04:28 PM
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Regarding the theme, we are using Golo theme for business listings.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration. I really appreciate your help. I will check it and make some changes if possible.

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page where verification will process 2
Azizul Raju
Feb 06, 2023

Welcome to PickPlugins.

Could you please share your site registration URL? Without the URL, it's impossible to figure out the issue.


page where verification will process 3
- Feb 06, 2023 07:04 PM
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This is our site, after you register it send verification link to the email but the website doesn’t shows any message or at least pop ups that show it needs to verify email first before continuing the login process. It doesn’t even show the resend link button for the activation link, so how our users could know that they need to confirm the activation link first before they can log in?

Thank you for your help!

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