OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled

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OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled 1
Waleed Zaytoun
Mar 23, 2023 01:41 PM 2 Answers
Member Since Aug 2022
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Kindly note that, I have disabled the OTP  at default login paget, and enable it only at Default WoprPress Login Page.

But, after that it is still requied at the woocommerce login page, and none of my customers is able to login.


you can register there and test to login.

2 Subscribers
OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled 1
OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled 3
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OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled 4
Azizul Raju
Mar 25, 2023


We release an update, 2.0.7. Now you can use OTP on the default login and turn it off on the WooCommerce login page. Please check...

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Best Answer
OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled 4
Azizul Raju
Mar 23, 2023

Hi Waleed,
I'm also facing the same issue. Kindly disable the OTP for now. We'll fix the issue in our next release.

OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled 6
Waleed Zaytoun
- Mar 26, 2023 12:54 PM
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After the last update today, and user can login from the default woocomemrce login page even Admin users with out OTP.

Note: OTP is active only for administartors, so admin users must not to be able to login from the default woocommerce login form, they must use thier admin url to ligon using OTP.

other customers can login easily from the defualt woocommerce login form with out OTP.

OTP is required at woocommerce login page although it is disbaled 7
Azizul Raju
- Mar 25, 2023 03:42 PM
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We release an update, 2.0.7. Now you can use OTP on the default login and turn it off on the WooCommerce login page. Please check…

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