No way to choose category, plugin picks randomly

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
No way to choose category, plugin picks randomly 1
Bernd Guzek
Nov 27, 2019 07:31 AM 2 Answers
Member Since Nov 2019
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as long I ran the free version, I could choose a category under "Post Taxonomies & terms". Since I'm running premium, it does no longer show any possibility to choose a category. Obviously, there is the category I choosed in the free version active, but additionally the plugin picks other posts from other categories.

This was not the goal of buying premium ... please support me.

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No way to choose category, plugin picks randomly 1
No way to choose category, plugin picks randomly 3
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No way to choose category, plugin picks randomly 4
Nov 27, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Please see the screenshot on how to choose categories & terms

You should click on expand icon to see the terms, if this is doesn't work please clear browser cache, hope it will work.


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No way to choose category, plugin picks randomly 4
Nov 27, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please clear browser cache and then try again? if possible please send me a temporary admin access to your site, i will check the issue. please send me login info to


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