Newbie question, where do I place the shortcodes?

Newbie question, where do I place the shortcodes? 1
Nov 05, 2018 08:57 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2018
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I want to be able to resend the verification email, where do I place the shortcode?

Also where do I place the shortcode for the initial verification email to be sent?

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Newbie question, where do I place the shortcodes? 1
Newbie question, where do I place the shortcodes? 3
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Newbie question, where do I place the shortcodes? 4
Nov 05, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

you can create a page just like others, use the shortcode on that page content. and linked the page where you want.

I hope you understand.

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