New update – CSS style

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
New update - CSS style 1
Nov 29, 2022 12:08 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2022
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The update from version 2.2.65 to 2.2.66 has messed up all our accordions.  We use accordions as menus for our pages so all 42 were affected.  It seems to not be acknowledging our style colors.

Our site is behind a firewall so you won\'t be able to access.  I can set up a zoom/team viewer meeting to show or I can provide screenshots via email

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New update - CSS style 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 29, 2022

Sorry for the inconvenience. We just released another update. Could you please install the latest version, 2.2.67, and give it a try?

If the issue still exists, Kindly provide us with a screenshot so that we can identify where the issue is happening.

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