My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn’t work properly

Ticket for: Product Slider
My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn't work properly 1
Mar 26, 2019 06:05 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2019
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Hi, I've just bought your plugin, but it doesn't work like it should do. I cannot switch off displaying quantity over a add to cart button. The button itself also doesn't look like other buttons and I cannot style it without using css.
It doesn't meet my needs and have no time to play trick with it.
I'd like to get my money back. May I do it without additional explanation?

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My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn't work properly 1
My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn't work properly 3
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My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn't work properly 4
Mar 26, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please allow me a chance to solve the issue, otherwise i should send you a refund.

#1, please see there is an option to hide quantity field before add to cart button, please see the screenshot how does it work

Please let me know if this is work or not,

#2, also please see there is an option "Items Add to cart button Style" set to default

try with default should match with your default cart button style.

Let me know the result, please let me know if you need any help.


My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn't work properly 5
- Apr 02, 2019 02:03 PM
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Thank you very much. I do appreciate.

My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn't work properly 6
- Apr 01, 2019 10:56 PM
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Don't worry, i have sent you the refund.


My WooCommerce Products Slider doesn't work properly 5
- Apr 01, 2019 05:24 PM
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HI. I know about this feature, but unfortunately it doesn't work. I don't know maybe because of my template (DIVI)…
Anyway I have no time to play with it now, If you could send me a refund, please, I would be appreciate.

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