multiple order by id or name

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
multiple order by id or name 1
Apr 19, 2023 08:40 PM 1 Answers
Member Since May 2020
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Hi There,

I want to use the order function  by "ID" or "name" query, and I want to call 3 different "names" or "ID"s for each different column, but you can order only 1 post, and as I tried to call 3 different posts separating by "," comma, it didn't work. ex: post id: (163,155,178)

Is there any way to order 3 different posts for each column?

Thank You

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multiple order by id or name 1
multiple order by id or name 3
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multiple order by id or name 4
Azizul Raju
Apr 24, 2023

Hi Zeyln,
Welcome to PickPlugins.

Under Query Post => Post query orderby please select the option post_in. And then under the Include by post ID option, pass the IDs with commas separated.

Let us know if it helps.

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