Migration Fail

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Migration Fail 1
Apr 03, 2020 02:08 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Accordions by PickPlugins stopped working on our website. I was prompted to do the migration and watched your video and ran the automated migration. It began to run, then the page went to this message: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page. The page giving this message was
https://twp.montgomery.nj.us/edit.php?post_type=accordions&page=upgrade_status I can email you the screenshot.

I tried creating the new page with the accordion shortcode, as shown in your video. This also did nothing.

I also did the update to v 2.2.12 No change.

For security reasons, we don't give our admin credentials to this municipal website. Can you still help?

I will contact our hosting company. Perhaps you have some guidance for them? Thank you!

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Migration Fail 2
Apr 03, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Could you please send me your accordion page URL via email support@pickplugins.com

You can still downgrade to older version if you want, please download older version from here https://wordpress.org/plugins/accordions/advanced/


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