Migration does not even start. The video does not help.

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Migration does not even start. The video does not help. 1
Mar 21, 2020 01:54 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2020
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Where is the old version of the plugin?

The migration does no work

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Migration does not even start. The video does not help. 1
Migration does not even start. The video does not help. 3
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Migration does not even start. The video does not help. 4
Mar 23, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Please go help & support menu

click to "Reset migration" and wait until reset migration is completed


and you will see the migration notice at the top once the migration reset completed, then run the migration again. and see if this is starts or not.



If this is doesn't work automatically, please create a new page and use following shortcode and then visit page for few times, hope your accordion content missing issue will be fixed.



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