Media Source Image Not Showing

Media Source Image Not Showing 1
Jan 11, 2017 10:05 AM 4 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2017
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A little new to wordpress.  I have the premium version of Post Grid.  The featured images don't seem to be showing, unless I'm doing it wrong.  Example: I have a post, I paste a youtube video link, wordpress inserts the video.  I have everything checked under Layout Settings, Media Source.  I create a Page, add the Shortcode.  The page displays the Post in the grid, but no image.  I will also need to do this for website links.

Also, do you have any good references for explaining what each of the options do?

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Media Source Image Not Showing 1
Media Source Image Not Showing 3
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4 Answers
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Media Source Image Not Showing 4
Jan 11, 2017

I have those settings already set to those.  I am using version 3.1.17 that I downloaded directly from your site, not from WordPress site.

Does there need to be a featured image already set in the post?  I was under the assumption that Post Grid would get the media from the post, hence the "First youtube video from content" option.

Media Source Image Not Showing 5
- Jan 24, 2017 10:15 AM
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Hi, i have sent you refund, please let me know.


Media Source Image Not Showing 6
- Jan 15, 2017 12:50 AM
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I've tried multiple times to contact you through the Contact Us form. I would like a refund. Thanks for the help.

Media Source Image Not Showing 5
- Jan 13, 2017 06:01 PM
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Hi, i have solved the issue, please download and reinstall version 3.1.18

Please check the demo here youtube video from content also working


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Best Answer
Media Source Image Not Showing 4
Jan 11, 2017

I have those settings already set to those.  I am using version 3.1.17 that I downloaded directly from your site, not from WordPress site.

Does there need to be a featured image already set in the post?  I was under the assumption that Post Grid would get the media from the post, hence the "First youtube video from content" option.

Media Source Image Not Showing 6
- Jan 18, 2017 01:22 AM
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I'm sorry, I had to move on to another solution. Thank you for your time and effort, but I would like to proceed with the refund.

Media Source Image Not Showing 5
- Jan 15, 2017 01:03 AM
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Have you tried last reply. I was able to fix the issue. You need to download and reinstall again.
I do not have any problem to refund. But if you please consider as last try.

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Best Answer
Media Source Image Not Showing 4
Jan 11, 2017

I have those settings already set to those.  I am using version 3.1.17 that I downloaded directly from your site, not from WordPress site.

Does there need to be a featured image already set in the post?  I was under the assumption that Post Grid would get the media from the post, hence the "First youtube video from content" option.

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Best Answer
Media Source Image Not Showing 12
Jan 11, 2017

Welcome to our forum and glad to know you have stated you journey with WordPress.

you will need to set "Featured Image" at top to set top priority, and so on other source. can you please check media source list which on is at top ?



Media Source Image Not Showing 6
- Jan 11, 2017 10:45 PM
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I have those settings already set to those. I am using version 3.1.17 that I downloaded directly from your site, not from WordPress site.

Does there need to be a featured image already set in the post? I was under the assumption that Post Grid would get the media from the post, hence the “First youtube video from content” option.

Media Source Image Not Showing 5
- Jan 11, 2017 10:12 AM
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Also please check the option "Featured Image linked to post" > Yes, to link thumbnail to post link.


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