Hi hassan,
I just have few more problems left,
1.In posting job,we are not sure which is required field and optional,if we dont fill up address the submit button does not work and also it is not showing any display message to fill up address,pls try to correct it www.fresherbase.in
2.even if we dont fill up job link and website address it gets submitted but it automatically takes up random link from the website and links to it.
3.very importantly job location,pagination,u already mentioned it is because of wordpress...pls try to fix it or provide some other alternative way to display jobs by locations...im about to start marketing for my job board.. im waiting for the locations to work properly...
In sometime im looking for costomizing the job board with options i need,help me if possible..

Welcome back @dhivya
Thanks for reporting issue. please allow me 2-3 days to work on this issue.
I will also add Load more to location page, because older version of WordPress working fine pagination, i just hopping WordPress team will fix the issue.
Plugin sent done.