load more button

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
load more button 1
Jakub Mikołajuk
Jul 10, 2019 12:30 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jul 2019
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I have a problem with load more/pagination. I've changed "pagination type" to "load more" but there still is Previous and Next buttons. Now i am changing to anything and there is still the same view. Even if i change to "no pagination" it still displays.

Someone had this before???

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load more button 1
load more button 3
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load more button 4
Jul 10, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

This might be a cache issue, please clear browser cache or try to deactivate cache plugin if you installed.

Let me know the result.


load more button 5
- Jul 13, 2019 11:56 AM
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HI, i just checked your admin, i can see you using filterable style grid, which is only working with "jQuery pagination" load more or normal pagination will not work with Filterable style grid. Hope you understand.


load more button 6
Jakub Mikołajuk
- Jul 10, 2019 12:27 PM
Flag (0)

well, caching is off becouse it ist too many changes (work in progress). I opened this subpage on incognito and it is the same.

Plus in panel i change to "load more" and i still see previous/next buttons edition. Nothing changes on the site and in panel.

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