James Smith keeps registering on my site: How can I block him?

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James Smith keeps registering on my site: How can I block him? 1
Dec 05, 2023 10:14 PM 2 Answers
Member Since Dec 2023
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I'm French, I don't speak English and I use automatic translation software (DeepL). I have 15 websites. On one of my (https://www.resimarmo.ch) sites, there's a user (James Smith) who registers 30 times a day. I know he's a spammer and I need to find a solution to block him. I've installed your plugin but the spammer keeps signing up. Perhaps I haven't programmed the plugin correctly? But I can't see where or how!
Can you help me?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards.
Eric Bertolaso.

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James Smith keeps registering on my site: How can I block him? 2
Azizul Raju
Dec 06, 2023

Hi Erick,
Welcome to PickPlugins.

Does he is using the same email every time to register? Or, does he follow some sort of pattern for his email? Please provide the emails he's using so I can suggest you better settings.

Now I'm assuming you want to block by a specific email address. For now, go to Spam Protection => Enable generic mail block and set the value Yes. Then under the Blocked generic mail section, put the email that you want to block and save the changes.

Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/yW9xpO5.png

Let us know if it helps.

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James Smith keeps registering on my site: How can I block him? 2
Azizul Raju
Dec 06, 2023

Hi Erick,
Welcome to PickPlugins.

Does he is using the same email every time to register? Or, does he follow some sort of pattern for his email? Please provide the emails he's using so I can suggest you better settings.

Now I'm assuming you want to block by a specific email address. For now, go to Spam Protection => Enable generic mail block and set the value Yes. Then under the Blocked generic mail section, put the email that you want to block and save the changes.

Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/yW9xpO5.png

Let us know if it helps.

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