Is there a way to remove placeholder images?

Is there a way to remove placeholder images? 1
Sep 01, 2016 02:21 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2016
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I want to set the 'custom thumbnails' to be the first media that is pulled from posts, but the issue is that not all media has a custom thumbnail set, so when I do that the rest of the posts will show the placeholder image for custom thumbnails, instead of 'first imagest from content'. I tried to go to the direct posts and remove the placeholder link but it just resets when I leave it blank. Is there any solution for this?

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Is there a way to remove placeholder images? 1
Is there a way to remove placeholder images? 3
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Is there a way to remove placeholder images? 4
Sep 01, 2016

Welcome to our forum

#1. you can sort media source by dragging so if you place "First images from content" at the top to priority first and so on.
#2. if you don't want display empty images (placeholder) you can unchecked.

Please see the screenshot

Let me know for more help.


Is there a way to remove placeholder images? 5
- Sep 01, 2016 02:48 AM
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Here is the screenshot i missed.

Is there a way to remove placeholder images? 5
- Sep 01, 2016 02:47 AM
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Thanks for your reply, if you set custom thumbnail you need to set thumbnail source for each post , please see the screenshot , Can you please bring down “Empty thumbnail” at bottom (click and drag to down) and save.

Is there a way to remove placeholder images? 7
- Sep 01, 2016 02:38 AM
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Right now I have ‘custom thumbnail’ first, and ‘first image’ second. I unchecked ’empty thumbnail’ , but it still shows the empty thumbnails. here’s a screenshot of the posts: and a screenshot of my settings: It’s still doing it

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