Is there a way to get pagination to work for Filterable layout?

Is there a way to get pagination to work for Filterable layout? 1
Sep 12, 2018 07:54 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Sep 2018
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I am trying to use the filterable layout but only the first page shows up. I need navigation to show up so people can scroll through. I am using this with the Business Directory Plugin and need to be able to have this work.

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Is there a way to get pagination to work for Filterable layout? 1
Is there a way to get pagination to work for Filterable layout? 3
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Is there a way to get pagination to work for Filterable layout? 4
Sep 12, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

I hope you are talking about Post Grid plugin, Please see here the demo and steps to setup filterable style grid to working pagination.

you might miss

  • Navigations > Pagination > jQuery pagination

Let me know for more help.


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