Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode?

Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode? 21
May 04, 2018 10:14 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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Using the post grid, is there a way to include a parameter in the shortcode to query a certain category? This way I could use the same post grid for various categories?


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would only show posts from category id 25.

This would be huge for me.

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Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode? 21
Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode? 23
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Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode? 24
May 04, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry parameter like you are looking for isn't available, you will need to select category from options
Taxonomy & Terms (Categories)
Please see the screenshot

If you may use following plugin to quick up creating post grid with similar options.

Let me know for more help.



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