Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode?

Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode? 1
May 04, 2018 10:14 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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Using the post grid, is there a way to include a parameter in the shortcode to query a certain category? This way I could use the same post grid for various categories?


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would only show posts from category id 25.

This would be huge for me.

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Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode? 1
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Is there a quart to query by category in the shortcode? 4
May 04, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry parameter like you are looking for isn't available, you will need to select category from options
Taxonomy & Terms (Categories)
Please see the screenshot

If you may use following plugin to quick up creating post grid with similar options.

Let me know for more help.



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