Is it possible to Display Slider Title in product slider?

Is it possible to Display Slider Title in product slider? 1
Apr 15, 2018 02:06 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Apr 2018
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Loving product slider so far (I'm implementing it several time on the same page with sorts of different categories). Great for this purpose, but is there a way to display a title within the wrapper to correspond with each? In my case, i have various sliders for various types of records i'm selling, so I'd like, for instance, the title "New Releases" left justified in general alignment with the arrows which are right justified in my implementation.

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Is it possible to Display Slider Title in product slider? 1
Is it possible to Display Slider Title in product slider? 3
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Is it possible to Display Slider Title in product slider? 4
Apr 15, 2018

Welcome to our forum.
Thanks for your post, unfortunately this feature isn't available right now, you can simply add the markup just before the shortcode as following.

Slider title here



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