In variable product Buy Now Button showing two times

In variable product Buy Now Button showing two times 1
Jun 17, 2023 10:03 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Aug 2015
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For Buy Now I'm using one plugin (WPC Buy Now Button for WooCommerce) and one Buy Now function for showing Buy Now on Homepage, But when I create variable product Buy Now button showing two times please help me out. I’m using latest Version 1.2.4 plugin name
WPC Buy Now Button for WooCommerce variable product URL

also write buy now button code for home page

add_action('wcps_layout_element_add_to_cart','wcps_layout_element_post_title_20200331', 90); function wcps_layout_element_post_title_20200331($args){ $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array();$element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; echo do_shortcode("[wpcbn_btn_archive id='$product_id']"); }

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