In case of change in e-mail address, the auto email sent to user should not inform the admin e-mail ID

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In case of change in e-mail address, the auto email sent to user should not inform the admin e-mail ID 1
R. Arora
Sep 20, 2023 11:47 PM 1 Answers
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In case of change in e-mail address, the auto email sent to user should not inform the admin e-mail ID.

Please suggest how can I hide the site admin e-mail ID and give an alternate e-mail ID in that place ?

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In case of change in e-mail address, the auto email sent to user should not inform the admin e-mail ID 2
Azizul Raju
Sep 21, 2023

Hi, Under 'Email templates' => 'Email Bcc', you can add another email. I know this isn't an alternative, but it should help if you want to forward another email.

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