Ticket for: User Verification
Currently it appears only one user role requires verification, but all user roles receive the email upon sign in/registration. Is there a way to disable so that only the user role requiring verification gets that email?
0 Subscribers
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Welcome to PickPlugins.
Under Settings => General, check what the New User Default Role is selected. I've Editor selected.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/b7NX8x7
Now under User Verification => Email Verification, there is an option called Exclude user role. Here you can select multiple roles to exclude the verification process.
To select multiple options, hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and then click on options.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/h9XymcP
Let us know if it helps.
New User Default Role set to custom user role ‘Client’
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/Pr26zvS
Excluded all user roles except for client screenshot: https://ibb.co/7vvn1bL
We use a sso plugin to allow internal employees to login which creates a user for them with the default role ‘Subscriber’. The Subscriber role is excluded from email verification, but I’m getting reports from employees receiving the verification email (which doesn’t end up working because they’re otherwise excluded).
Please advise.