I need to exclude the accordion plug-in from my JS deferring.

I need to exclude the accordion plug-in from my JS deferring. 1
Aug 13, 2018 11:06 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2018
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I am currently using WP-defer to defer all of my JS.  The problem is that your plug-in, accordion, does not like this.  I found out how to exclude certain javascripts from the process, but I need to know the Javascript handle of the process I'm trying to defer.  What is the Javascript handle of the Accordion plug-in?

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I need to exclude the accordion plug-in from my JS deferring. 1
I need to exclude the accordion plug-in from my JS deferring. 3
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I need to exclude the accordion plug-in from my JS deferring. 4
Aug 13, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Please see the following file for all js, css, under this method  accordions_front_scripts()


See the screenshot




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