I am so confused

I am so confused 1
Aug 02, 2017 09:25 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2017
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I just deleted a different Classifieds plugin for this same reason, thinking it was the plug-in not me... I added categories but literally can not find them or a main menu anywhere.. tried doing it manually but when I click view for main categories it says page not found. I am so confused and just want a super simple site up and running.. I am wondering if this would have been easier to do fully manually with out a plugin... Why is this so complicated to figure out? I literally just want to be able to find a page with all the classifieds listed to get to each one individually.. I don't see anything like this anywhere and definitely not how a user could view classifieds and post something themselves. Help! I am beyond frustrated and have no idea what I need to do or what I'm not getting..

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I am so confused 4
Aug 02, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Develop a classified website, not the easy task, I am not sure which plugin you have tried. here is the link for our classified plugin


Please see the video tutorial before started.


Let me know for more help.


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