How to turn off the default list for Wishlist plugin

Ticket for: Wishlist
How to turn off the default list for Wishlist plugin 1
Apr 25, 2023 01:45 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Apr 2023
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Hi there,

How do I go about disabling the default wishlist for users? I only want each logged in user to see and be able to add to their own wishlists, not a world-wide public default wishlist. When I remove the default wishlist setting in General, the add to wishlist popup button shows a null wishlist unless I have a default list set.

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How to turn off the default list for Wishlist plugin 2
Azizul Raju
Apr 25, 2023

Hi Brandon,
You must add a default wishlist ID! This is mandatory because when a user directly presses the heart icon, it's automatically added to the default wishlist.
And the items added to that list will be different and not the same for each user. Also, it's private!
(you can experiment this with different users)

If it's still not working as expected, I suggest you share a temp login to our support email:

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