How to trouble shoot contact seller email not working with Classified Maker Plugin

How to trouble shoot contact seller email not working with Classified Maker Plugin 1
Becky Zingler
Jun 08, 2017 10:27 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jun 2017
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Love your plugin and that it is free to use. I have spent some time reading through all documentation and troubleshooting in forums etc. I can't find any information that might help me solve this problem. I can't get the send an email function to work. It keeps telling me there is an error with the server. This is strange though because we also have a ticketing system on this website and those emails send out fine. I have also used the plugin called check email to test that the site is able to send out emails correct. I would love some help on trouble shooting this problem.

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How to trouble shoot contact seller email not working with Classified Maker Plugin 1
How to trouble shoot contact seller email not working with Classified Maker Plugin 3
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How to trouble shoot contact seller email not working with Classified Maker Plugin 4
Jun 08, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Thanks for your feedback, not sure whats going wrong. incase you missed to update contact email address

Please use following shortcode to see the dashboard



How to trouble shoot contact seller email not working with Classified Maker Plugin 5
- Jun 09, 2017 06:05 PM
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Thanks for your reply. there is only "Phone numbers." field for individual ads, you see these is multiple email input for contact so the user can choose which one should be used for send contact mail. I hope you understand, don't forget to send the user to dashboard page(dashboard page via shortcode) to update their contact email address.


How to trouble shoot contact seller email not working with Classified Maker Plugin 6
Becky Zingler
- Jun 09, 2017 04:07 AM
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Thank you for your help. I didn't realize that the user needs to add their contact information to their user. I thought they just entered it on each individual ad placement.


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