How to show only the most recent breadcrumb page and not the whole path.

Ticket for: Breadcrumb
How to show only the most recent breadcrumb page and not the whole path. 1
Mar 09, 2023 07:38 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I went to the Breadcrumb builder and added "Post Ancestor" in "Pages". However, I want to show only the latest ancestor, not all the path.

For example, right now it displays:
Category > Sub category.

How can I display only "Sub category" and hide "category"???


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How to show only the most recent breadcrumb page and not the whole path. 2
Azizul Raju
Mar 11, 2023

We understand your issue, but unfortunately, this feature isn't available. Maybe we'll add this in the future.

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