how to set the first accordion open by default

how to set the first accordion open by default 1
Aug 14, 2018 07:37 AM 1 Answers General
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hello team

im using the your accordion

and i want to know 2 things :

1. how i can send URL link to specific content in the accordion , and once click on that link to open that specific content ?

2.when sending that link to have the name in the link the same as the Header on the content 

3. how i can enable content to be open by default ?

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how to set the first accordion open by default 2
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how to set the first accordion open by default 3
Aug 14, 2018

Welcome to our forum.


Please see the documentation here, for how to open any accordion block by url parameter,


Sorry, you don't need to put header name on the url, just pass the id you want to display on load.


Please see the documentation here, how you can keep active/open on page load any specific accordion block.

Let me know for more help.


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