How to remove unverified users using user verification plugin

Ticket for: User Verification
How to remove unverified users using user verification plugin 1
Shivam Sharma
Mar 30, 2024 03:47 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I've set the time for unverified user so that user should be remove from user list after set time limt, also there is option to verify the existing user so on the website there are some users that are not verified and that are the oldest one's so they should be verified but currently those users trying to signup and not verified the email they should be removed.

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How to remove unverified users using user verification plugin 2
Azizul Raju
Mar 31, 2024

Could you please adjust the 'Existing user as verified interval' to 10 minutes?
Here's a screenshot to guide you:
Let us know the update.

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