How to display a pop up section when clicking on a team member

Ticket for: Team Showcase
How to display a pop up section when clicking on a team member 1
Tania Izquierdo
Oct 09, 2023 09:00 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Oct 2023
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I have two questions:

How can I make it so that when I click on each of the team members (photo or title of the person), a small pop up window opens up, where more data (text paragraph) about that team member appears?


I would also like that in the case of the 3 main team members, instead of a small pop up window, it would lead to a new individual page with all the information about the person. How do I configure this link so that when I click on the person's picture or title (name), it redirects to another page?

The page in question that I am editing is this one:


Thanks in advance.

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How to display a pop up section when clicking on a team member 1
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How to display a pop up section when clicking on a team member 4
Azizul Raju
Oct 10, 2023

Welcome to pickPlugins.
Please note this is a pro feature of our plugin. So, you must activate our pro version.

First, to enable popup, select a layout under "Popupbox layouts". This layout will be used as a popup. Also you can edit the layout according to your needs.

Then under Layouts, select a layout. This layout will be used before the popup appears. It's important to edit the layout to make the popup feature work.

Now finally to add a popup trigger, customize the Link to option value. It should be 'Popup box'.

How to display a pop up section when clicking on a team member 5
Tania Izquierdo
- Oct 10, 2023 04:22 PM
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I have the paid pro version of the plugin, yes.
Thanks for the explanation, I have already managed to activate the popup window.

However, I have two doubts.
1- How can I edit the information that appears in the popup window; since I want this information to be different from the one that appears in the team tab. That is, when I click on a team member, this pop-up window is activated and expands with additional information about that person, not the same.

2- How can I do so that, depending on the team member that is clicked, appears for some the popup window and for others the custom link; taking into account that all are in the same team page and filterable as I have already configured, on the next page:

Thanks in advance.

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