How do I get images to show up in the post grid?

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
How do I get images to show up in the post grid? 1
Steve Pribyl
Nov 12, 2022 01:32 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jun 2022
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I tried to keep everything simple. I want the blog posts to have images but no images show up. Please help.

Thank you.

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How do I get images to show up in the post grid? 1
How do I get images to show up in the post grid? 3
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How do I get images to show up in the post grid? 4
Azizul Raju
Nov 12, 2022

Hi Steve,
Welcome to PickPlugins.

I just logged in to your website and then visited the Post grid, and went to the Edit Mode.

Then Under Layouts, I can see you have an Empty Layout selected! So I selected a layout you already have installed and updated the settings. And now your grid is showing the post thumbnail. We have many premade Layouts available that you can explore and apply by visiting the 'import default layouts' link.

Let us know if you've found any issues or need help. Our team is always here to help you.


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