How can I include search on filtreable grid?

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
How can I include search on filtreable grid? 1
Jorge Humberto Meneses Saco
Apr 19, 2020 04:05 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Apr 2020
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The title is the question. I need to include a searchable field on the filter view. Even though I put that option on the search tab, the search field don't appear.

Is there also a way to remove the pagination on the bottom if it not needed?

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How can I include search on filtreable grid? 1
How can I include search on filtreable grid? 3
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How can I include search on filtreable grid? 4
Apr 21, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Filterable style grid load all posts on page load that's why we exclude search feature for filterable grid, currently you can't hide pagination, i am updating the plugin hope this feature will be included.


How can I include search on filtreable grid? 5
- Apr 30, 2020 11:00 PM
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Sorry for late, please wait few minutes, i just submit refund request.

How can I include search on filtreable grid? 6
Jorge Humberto Meneses Saco
- Apr 30, 2020 10:54 PM
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Hi. I jsut check my credit card and the payment is still charged. How can we solve this? Thanks!!

How can I include search on filtreable grid? 5
- Apr 22, 2020 08:43 AM
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No problem, i will send you refund.

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