How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons?

How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons? 1
Feb 09, 2018 10:10 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2018
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Hi, I created a team page and I would like the list of team members to have email and phone number underneath their position title (without the icons because the icons doesn't display the information without clicking it). I would also like to hide the description.

So my goal is to have a list that consists of:

Team Member Picture
Phone Number

Is this possible? I tried adding metadata, but that doesn't display. Thanks!

2 Subscribers
How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons? 1
How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons? 3
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How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons? 4
Feb 09, 2018

Welcome to our forum,

have you tried the option available
Social icon type. > Text link
Please see the screenshot

Let me know is that work for you.


How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons? 5
- Feb 10, 2018 10:43 AM
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Thanks for your reply, the feature you are looking for not available right now, but there is filter hook you can customize the out as you want, please see the sample code here


How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons? 6
- Feb 09, 2018 07:30 PM
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Also, when I click on the mobile link it doesn't display the number at all, it brings me to a blank google page. So there is no way for someone to find out the employees number.

How can I display phone number and email on the team listing page as text, not icons? 6
- Feb 09, 2018 07:28 PM
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That didn't work. It says "mobile" and "email" I need it to display 123-123-1234 or I tried adding it to the description, but < br > doesn't register either.

I'd also like to hide the description if I could.

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