How can I display latest and featured jobs sections?

Ticket for: Job Board Manager
How can I display latest and featured jobs sections? 1
Emer Harkin
Mar 14, 2022 10:19 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2022
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I want to recreat the same sections of latest jobs and featured jobs just like you did on your demo but I don't know how, can you let me know how to setup this and which addon is needed?

example image:

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How can I display latest and featured jobs sections? 1
How can I display latest and featured jobs sections? 3
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How can I display latest and featured jobs sections? 4
Azizul Raju
Mar 15, 2022

Hi, thanks for posting here.

first, you have to download the 'Widgets' addon. then go to the plugins and upload the downloaded file and activate it under plugins.
here is the screenshot-

second, in order to implement the section, you have to add them via widget first. go to the Appearance and Widgets and looks for the newly added widget. just add them and hit save, now you can view them at the front end of your webpage.
here is the screenshot-

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