How can I change opened and closed icons on a nested Accordions container?

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
How can I change opened and closed icons on a nested Accordions container? 1
Robert Nitrio
Mar 04, 2023 09:12 PM 2 Answers
Member Since Mar 2023
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I am a new user of accordions and I have learned how to do most of the things I need to do, but one thing has escaped me. I can change the opened and closed icons for the contents within a nested FAQ accordion, but I cannot find any option to change the ^ and > icons on the container for each category of content. Please see the screenshot that I uploaded at Since I am developing a new website on a localhost, so I have no site information that you can access. I can do a remote session with you if you need to see it, however.

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How can I change opened and closed icons on a nested Accordions container? 1
How can I change opened and closed icons on a nested Accordions container? 3
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How can I change opened and closed icons on a nested Accordions container? 4
Azizul Raju
Mar 06, 2023

Hi Robert,
I'm sorry for my late response.

When you're creating or editing an Accordion, you can find the option under style. Please check this screenshot:

You can also use any icon from ..
Please use version(5) icons. Screenshot:

To Use the font-awesome icon, you can copy the HTML code and paste it under our Accordion settings.

Let us know if you're facing any issues.

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How can I change opened and closed icons on a nested Accordions container? 5
Robert Nitrio
Mar 04, 2023

No need to respond to this question.  I just determined that I can change the ^ and > default icons on the Q&A sub containers by changing the style for the primary container that holds the sub containers for each category.

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