Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded

Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded 1
Jun 24, 2017 11:53 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jun 2017
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Continuing from this WordPress.org support forum post - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/hidden-products-show-up-in-slider/

Woocommerce is up-to-date. Using a Storefront child theme called Deli.

  1. Hidden items
    By Hidden I mean the Catalog Visibility is set to Hidden, which makes it so you need to know the URL of the product to actually visit the product page. It doesn’t show up on the shop page or in category pages, though. However, these items are still showing up in the slider.
  2. Sale items
    Even though I have On Sale Item Display to No, sale items still show up in the slider.


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Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded 1
Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded 3
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Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded 4
Jun 24, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry for late reply.

Can you please tell me your WooCommerce version installed on your site?


Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded 5
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Yep, with that new version it works perfectly. Thanks again for the help!

Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded 6
- Jul 04, 2017 12:48 PM
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please check the latest version 1.12.14, we have added the Catalog visibility on product query.

Please see the screenshot.


Hidden products and sale items show up in slider even when specifically excluded 5
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I sent you the login info using that contact form.

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