Help with adding short code for Breadcrumb plugin in header.php

Help with adding short code for Breadcrumb plugin in header.php 1
Feb 14, 2017 12:41 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2017
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I am working on a Beaver Builder theme with a child theme and I am not sure where to put the three line code you specified for the breadcrumb plugin. You have a snapshot of where it should go but looking in the theme editor for the child theme of course there is no theme header.php file. When I look through the parent theme I had trouble finding that spot. I want to avoid deadly white screen. Please advise.

I will add that I am not well versed in procedure..should I do this via FTP or the admin end of the site?

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Help with adding short code for Breadcrumb plugin in header.php 1
Help with adding short code for Breadcrumb plugin in header.php 3
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Help with adding short code for Breadcrumb plugin in header.php 4
Feb 14, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please send your theme zip file (including child theme)

also please note you create copy to header.php in child theme directory so that you can use breadcrumb shortcode on child theme header.php file. it will display only on child theme header.

N.B i don't have much work with child theme as far i know this should work.


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