handle accordion header as h2

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
handle accordion header as h2 1
Ingo Hugenroth
May 18, 2020 03:55 PM 1 Answers
Member Since May 2020
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I want to handle the header text of the accordion as h2 heading for better SEO.

(I know that I can add the CSS class via "add class" in the style menu but I mean the <h2></h2> tags, not the styling)

How can i acomplish this with Accordion Pro?

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handle accordion header as h2 1
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handle accordion header as h2 4
May 18, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

I understand your issue, but i can't help on this issue right now, because we use static span tag for header text, due to theme style(typography) issue we decide to not to use h2 tag, because different theme use different style for h2 tag which causes lots of design issue and people blam our plugin.

Hope you understand.


handle accordion header as h2 5
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got it. I fixed it myself now by changing the hardcoded spans in the template-file to hardcoded h2 tags. But ths is inflexible and will be gone with the next update.

I think this is a feature which is worth to implement as a dropdown in the content-tab, so the user can choose to use the default span or h1, h2, etc.
SEO is getting more important these days so its crucial for using the plugIn in a optimized website.

It would be only a few php-if-statements in the template file. So, hope you think about it 🙂

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