From 1k Active Installs to 20k with WPGlob

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From 1k Active Installs to 20k with WPGlob 1
Oct 17, 2023 08:45 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi PickPlugins team,

I am Hasmik, COO at WPGlob, a WordPress Plugin Marketing Agency.

Your plugin's potential is enormous, and we have a success story that can help you tap into it.

During our recent campaign, we went from 1,000 to 20,000 installs in just 7 months with our client Quiz Make plugin.

Our strategies are proven, and we'd love to share insights tailored to your plugin's needs. A quick chat can get us started.

The Full Marketing Strategy Includes: optimization
-SEO Optimization
-Content Marketing
-Demo Making
-Social Media Marketing
-Video Marketing

Check out Quiz Maker's Case Study:


Just schedule a call:

Or drop a line and we will reply.

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