Font Awesome prefix

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Font Awesome prefix 1
Michael Buckingham
Jul 11, 2019 11:13 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jul 2019
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I noticed that for an Accordions Content section icon, the plugin chooses the "solid" version of the icon entered, even if we enter the "far" or "fal" prefix for the "regular" or "light" version of the icon (for example:

It looks like this is because in the templates/accordion/header.php, the previously-used "fa" prefix is hardcoded ahead of the section icon variable. Removing the "fa" allows our chosen icon style such as "far fa-heart" to display properly.

However, the next time you update the plugin, our edit to your plugin file will be lost, obviously. Just bringing this to your attention, as it seems that the hardcoded "fa" is no longer necessary?


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Font Awesome prefix 1
Font Awesome prefix 3
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Font Awesome prefix 4
Jul 12, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Added new option to alter font awesome version from settings in free version to see the result, please see the screenshot.

Some people still using older version of font awesome and themes also. that's why i can't remove older version of font awesome support.

I will add this option to pro version soon.

But i am bit confused should i remove the hardcode "fa" or load "fa" conditionally when choosing older version font awesome from settings.


Font Awesome prefix 5
Michael Buckingham
- Jul 26, 2019 02:30 AM
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Hello! Any word on either aspect of this? Either adding the FA5 option to the Pro plugin, or why I'm still constantly asked to update the Pro plugin to the same version number that's already installed? On the latter, is this the result of your license server update, or perhaps caused by my edit to your PHP file to allow FA5 to work?

Font Awesome prefix 6
- Jul 13, 2019 10:09 AM
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Thanks for your understanding,

the last issue regarding asking update notice might be our license server issue, the plugin should functional if you ignore the update same version.
I will check the license server and test the issue.

Font Awesome prefix 5
Michael Buckingham
- Jul 12, 2019 07:13 PM
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Ah yes. I noted the Font Awesome version choice in the free version, but that disappeared when we upgraded to pro yesterday. Hopefully, you'll add that soon. I would *think* you'd remove the hardcoded 'fa' conditionally for those who select v.4 — I suppose you'd need to test to be sure.

Is it because we've edited your php file to remove the hardcoded 'fa' that WordPresss keeps asking me to upgrade the pro plugin from v. 3.2.12 to 3.2.12 (the same version), even though I already have?

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