Error MemberPress

Ticket for: User Verification
Error MemberPress 1
Thomas Laybourn
Sep 12, 2019 02:48 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2019
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Memberpress just updated their plugin for WordPress, but now the user verification plugin from you won't work properly, it gives me an error saying user already exist on the sign up site which is wrong.

In the "back" the user gets created on my site and actually receives the confirmation mail, so that works but still confusing for my members to get the error and still get the confirmation mail. The site should redirect to at "confirm your mail" site which I created in WordPress

On your site the version of the plugin says 2.0.5 but in WordPress it only says 1.0.28, but says it was updated last week.

Everything was working just fine until I updated the MemberPress plugin, do you know what I need to do?


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Error MemberPress 4
Sep 13, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

HI, we haven't tried with Memberpress plugin, i will try and let you know the update.


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