email template language issues

Ticket for: User Verification
email template language issues 1
Nov 05, 2019 09:47 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2019
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hi, I use the user verification plugin.
My site is still developing and i found some issues.
The email template that send to users, {site_name} and {site_description} that used in the template can't be read.

I assume all of site parameters will have the same issue.
My site name and description are in Thai language.

Hope you can fix this soon

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email template language issues 1
email template language issues 3
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email template language issues 4
Nov 06, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

I understand the issue, you should set email charset to UTF-8 or something else that supports by your language. please add following code to your them functions.php file and see whats happening. you can also try by other charset

add_filter( 'wp_mail_charset', 'change_mail_charset' );
function change_mail_charset( $charset ) {
  return 'UTF-8';


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