Editing Accordions content not possible

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Editing Accordions content not possible 1
Andrew Jackson
Mar 26, 2020 09:53 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2020
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I couldn't navigate back to my old ticket after resetting my password, but you asked for a screenshot of my browser console.  Attaching a screenshot does not appear possible from this support form so I will email it separately using "Editing Accordions content not possible" as the subject line.

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Editing Accordions content not possible 1
Editing Accordions content not possible 3
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Editing Accordions content not possible 4
Mar 30, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Please use https://imgur.com/upload to upload your screenshot and share url here. you can send me mail to support@pickplugins.com


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