Edit Layout style

Edit Layout style 1
Jun 10, 2016 07:50 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2016
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Hi there,

I buy Your plugin, can You help me resolve this issues?:

  • how can I register new pec... function in Layout editor? I need support for booking button from plugin Pro events calendar - pec_event.
  • How can I translate load more button by ajax Load More navigation?
  • I have only sort part of Title. How can I add after Title "..."?
  • I have Flat grid Skin - how can I add in picture zoom css effect like in grid Skin SpinRightZoom?
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Edit Layout style 2
Jun 10, 2016

Welcome to our forum,
#1. Sorry could not understand what you mean by "pec"
you can add any HTML/Short code via layout editor , if you events calendar provide any shortcode for Booking button just use on layout editor,
Please read more here https://pickplugins.com/documentation/post-grid/#1465531868707
#2. Currently there is no support to change "Load More" text from settings , you need to edit file manually following file
post-grid/grid-items/nav-bottom.php line: 155
N.B. we are currently working for next version update, we added a filter hook so you can add your own text for "Load More" , please allow us one week to publish the plugin.
Read here: https://pickplugins.com/documentation/post-grid/#1465533267053
#3. Please use following code to filter title text on grid items

function post_grid_filter_grid_item_title($title){
    return $title.'...';


#4. Do you have any problem to use "SpinRightZoom" skin ?
If you need more help please let me know.

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