Doesn’t verify the email. Doesn’t redirect

Ticket for: User Verification
Doesn't verify the email. Doesn't redirect 1
Feb 07, 2019 03:47 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Feb 2019
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I am using standard WP page with nothing on it, but text. When user register an email is send with the correct template and link to selected page with GET parameter `activation_key`, but nothing happen, if user goes to that page, he is not verified and not redirected. There is no errors in the console. I am using latest WP version.

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Doesn't verify the email. Doesn't redirect 1
Doesn't verify the email. Doesn't redirect 3
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Doesn't verify the email. Doesn't redirect 4
Feb 07, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Please check you used the shortcode for verification under page content



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