Does Post Grid Pro offer “Order by relevance” option for query?

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Does Post Grid Pro offer "Order by relevance" option for query? 1
Feb 01, 2020 01:27 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2020
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We've been using Post Grid Free and the search results have been horrendous, but we love the way it displays items. In digging into this, there is a natural part of the query that let's you order by "Relevance". Is this accessible if I purchase Pro? Or is there a way to sort by relevance with the free version?

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Does Post Grid Pro offer "Order by relevance" option for query? 1
Does Post Grid Pro offer "Order by relevance" option for query? 3
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Does Post Grid Pro offer "Order by relevance" option for query? 4
Feb 01, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Thanks for using our plugin, we probably missed to add it, we will add it and update plugin.


Does Post Grid Pro offer "Order by relevance" option for query? 5
- Feb 07, 2020 09:10 PM
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Doesn't look like it likes links. You should still be able to get there from here:

Does Post Grid Pro offer "Order by relevance" option for query? 5
- Feb 07, 2020 09:05 PM
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Just saw a new update came out without adding the Order By Relevance option. Here is a link to the WP_Query page where it shows the details of the Order By Relevance option.

Does Post Grid Pro offer "Order by relevance" option for query? 5
- Feb 04, 2020 12:21 AM
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Thank you greatly! Any idea when the next update will come out?

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