Do I have to choose any one of e-mail verification or e-mail OTP or both

Ticket for: User Verification
Do I have to choose any one of e-mail verification or e-mail OTP or both 1
R. Arora
Sep 20, 2023 11:54 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Do I have to choose any one of e-mail verification or e-mail OTP or both. As I selected both, then I now see e-mail verification is active on new user registration and e-mail OTP is active on admin end.

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Do I have to choose any one of e-mail verification or e-mail OTP or both 2
Azizul Raju
Sep 23, 2023

Email verification and OTP are two different things. If you want your users to verify, you must enable the email verification settings.

On the other hand, OTP is more like a passwordless login. It helps users to log in with a one-time password. OTP doesn't verify a user.

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