Designs sent to shopping cart

Designs sent to shopping cart 1
Oct 03, 2018 10:24 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 1970
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Once I create my designed tshirt I can either REVIEW it or GENERATE it so it can be added to my shopping cart. Once in the CART I then have a thumbnail of the original, blank, tshirt and an even smaller thumbnail of the designed tshirt. If I click on the original tshirt it opens up, in another window, allowing a larger view. Although when I click on the designed thumbnail, it too opens up, showing an enlarged pic of the original, blank, tshirt. If there anyway to get the designed  thumbnal to enlarge in its own window once in the shopping cart?

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Designs sent to shopping cart 2
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Designs sent to shopping cart 3
Oct 03, 2018

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