I'm changing theme for a site and would like to know whether I'll be able to perform the following at my homepage with the new theme (because ti doesn't have the same homepage widgets) and the paid version of the plugin.
If you check this demo here:
will I be able to recreate exactly the same bloc like the one at the middle of this homepage which is titled “Recent Posts”?
In summary:
– a clickable title (which is not the case here)
– 3 columns
– a thumb followed by excerpt
– the post’s date (and nothing else)
– a clickable footer that links to the full category page
- and large images as they are in this demo
Thanks for your help!

Welcome to our forum.
I have checked your page, i can confirm you can create the grid you mentioned under Recent Post with our plugin,
But you can't create footer link "View More" via our plugin, BTW you can just create a link HTML under the grid output.
Thanks again for your kind help!
Will send you another private message with the link.