Contact Forms Interfere with Post Grid

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Contact Forms Interfere with Post Grid 1
Oct 07, 2019 12:18 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Oct 2019
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I sent in a support ticket yesterday about the post grid plugin loading incorrectly when I had my contact plugin activated. I never received a response by email or anything - but I did just get notified that there was an update for your post grid plugin (version 2.0.40) .. I went ahead and did the update and now the contact form doesn't seem to be interfering with the post grid any longer - BUT - now .. within the admin view - when you hover over .. let's say .. "Appearance" you no longer get the other options that normally show up when you hover (Themes, Customize, Widgets, ect.. ) .. ALSO .. when you go to widgets.. the drop downs no longer work .. to be able to add/edit/or remove any content within the widgets. So - whatever was added in this update is interfering with the drop down function.

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Contact Forms Interfere with Post Grid 4
Oct 07, 2019

Welcome to our forum.
I just put another update, can you please update and let me know the result. please note i have tried to logged-in your admin but it's not working.

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