Combo blocks: Post grid filterable freezes browser, impossible to edit page

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Combo blocks: Post grid filterable freezes browser, impossible to edit page 1
Jan 05, 2024 04:41 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi, glad to see the updates. I was looking forwards to diving into them, but found this oversight/bug persists - when attempting to edit a filterable post grid, it will attempt to load every single one of my website's 1,500+ posts (before I can even go in and configure the filters or other settings), which expectedly freezes my browser completely and renders the page completely un-editable.

Also, the settings section for the plugin itself will not load.

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Combo blocks: Post grid filterable freezes browser, impossible to edit page 2
Jan 10, 2024

Welcome to our forum.

Glad see your feedbacks, could you please try download from GitHub and let me know the result, we have limit the number post per pages in editor.

Combo blocks: Post grid filterable freezes browser, impossible to edit page 3
Zinnia Leier
- Jan 11, 2024 05:24 AM
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Hi, thanks for the swift update! Unfortunately my web host false-flagged the last time I tried to manually upload the plugin and caused a bunch of issues, so I’d prefer to wait until a plugin update is pushed via – I hope that’s understandable! Thank you for your continued updates and fixes, though.

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